10 August 2006

Hepatitis B Anhilation

Forget it as a sin, Hepatitis B is Now Curable in Homeopathic System of Medicines.One gets symptomatic cure within few months and HbsAg goes negative in few years, its true and with practical evidence.

What is hepatitis B?Hepatitis B is the world's most common liver infection that can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer later in life. It is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which molests and damages the liver. It is transmitted from an infected mother to her newborn baby during delivery. Most infected adults are able to get rid of the hepatitis B virus without any problems with homoeopathic treatment. However, many infected babies and children are unable to get rid of the virus and will develop chronic infections.

The good news is that there is a simple blood test for hepatitis B; a safe homeopathic medicine protects for a lifetime and homoeopathic medicine that benefits chronic hepatitis B patient who has active signs of liver disease.

Why is hepatitis B so dangerous?
Hepatitis B is hazardous since it is a "silent disease" that can infect population without them knowing it. Most people who are infected with hepatitis B are innocent of their infection and can innocently pass the virus to others through their blood. For those who become chronically infected, meaning the virus can stay in their liver for more than 6 months, there is an increased risk of developing serious liver disease later in life. The virus can quietly and continuously attack the liver over many years without being detected.
Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer
Liver cancer is a large health threat to Indians and can often be fatal since symptoms may not appear until it's too late. Among Indians, liver cancer is the 2nd leading type of cancer. Since 80% of all liver cancer in the India is caused by chronic HBV, it is crucially significant that all Indians be tested for hepatitis B and treated with Homeopathic system of medicine. Even in the early stages of liver cancer, a person may not experience any serious symptoms until it is too late for Homoeopathic treatments to be helpful.
Early diagnosis and early Homoeopathic treatment is essential in saving lives!
How can One get hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is an transmittable disease caused by a virus that is spread through blood. It is not spread through casual contact. One cannot get hepatitis B from the air, hugging, touching, sneezing, coughing, toilet seats or doorknobs.
Listed below are the most common ways hepatitis B is passed to others: 
Direct contact with blood or infected bodily fluids
Unprotected sex with an infected partner
Shared or re-used needles (for example, sharing needles for illegal drugs or re-using needles that are not properly sterilized for acupuncture, tattoos, or ear/body piercing)
From an infected mother to her newborn baby during delivery (this is the most common route of infection among Indians)
Who is most likely to become infected with hepatitis B?
Although hepatitis B can infect any person of any age or race, there are some people who are at higher risk for becoming infected. Your job, your lifestyle choices, or living in a household with an infected person or family member can increase your chances of being exposed to the hepatitis B virus.
Here are some of the "high risk" groups for acquiring hepatitis B infection, but please remember that this is not a complete list:Infants born to women who are infected with hepatitis B
People who live in close household contact with someone who has hepatitis B (this includes babies, children and adults)
People who have unprotected sex or have multiple sexual partners
Health care workers and others who are exposed to blood or infected bodily fluids
People who use illegal drugs
People who undergo kidney dialysis or have hemophilia
People who live in countries where hepatitis B is very common
People who travel to or from countries where hepatitis B is very common
What else can I do to protect myself from hepatitis B?
Since hepatitis B is spread through blood and infected bodily fluids, there are several simple things that you can do to protect yourself from possible infection:
Avoid sharing sharp objects such as razors, toothbrushes, earrings, and nail clippers
Make sure that sterile needles are used for acupuncture, tattoos, ear and body piercing
Avoid touching blood or infected bodily fluids directly
Wear gloves and use a fresh solution of bleach and water to clean up blood spills
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after touching or cleaning up blood
Use condoms with sexual partners
Avoid illegal drugs
Most importantly, make sure you receive the hepatitis B vaccine!
Will I become sick if I'm infected with hepatitis B?Hepatitis B is considered a "silent infection" because it often does not cause any symptoms. Most people feel healthy and do not know they have been infected, which means they can unknowingly pass the virus on to others. Other people may have mild symptoms such as fever, fatigue, joint or muscle pain, or loss of appetite that are mistaken for the flu. Less common but more serious symptoms include severe nausea and vomiting, yellow eyes and skin (this is called "jaundice"), and a swollen stomach - these symptoms require immediate medical attention and a person may need to be hospitalized.
Is there a blood test for hepatitis B?
There is a simple hepatitis B blood test that your doctor or health clinic can order. All you need to do is go to the doctor's office. Sometimes the doctor may ask to check your blood again six months after your first visit to confirm your test results.
Will I recover from a hepatitis B infection with homoeopathy?The answer depends on whether you are infected as an adult, a child, or a baby. Most infected adults will recover without any problems, but most infected babies and children will become chronic carriers of HBV.
Indians are most commonly infected as infants or in early childhood, which is why they have such a high risk of developing chronic hepatitis B infections.
Adults -  Many will get rid of the virus and recover without any problems with Homeopathy; Few will become chronic carriers of HBV; and in rare cases, a person may become very sick and die from a hepatitis B infection.
Young Children - More than Half will get rid of the virus and recover without problems with Homeopathy; Less than Half will become chronic carriers of HBV.
Infants - Majority will definitely become chronic carriers of HBV; only minority have a chance of getting rid of the virus with Homeopathy.

Diabetes Melitus

In insulin dependent diabetes mellitus there is limited scope of medicines other than insulin itself. Homeopathic Medicine will certainly improve Liver and Pancreatic Secretions. Affectivity of insulin at cell wall level is also modified with Homeopathic Medicine. Thus daily required dose of insulin can be decreased with Homeopathic Treatment and with advance of age one can go without insulin.
In Diabetes Mellitus role of diet control (regulation) and Exercise is of utmost importance.
Eat to live only
Up to 75% restriction in sugar and sweets, Cold drinks, Ice cream, Chocolates, Oils/Ghee, Corn (Maize), Rice (Can only be used without starch), Potato, Sweet root, Banana, Mango, and other sweet fruits.
Better to eat Guava, Oranges (Green one), Salads, Chicken (Not Meat), Fish.
Total Calorie intake should be as per requirement, For Sedentary Peoples it should not exceed 2000 kcal per day.
Thus you have to restrict yourself of eating too much, restrict yourself to 4 chapaties per day.
Work out as much as you can and as much as you eat.
Burn out maximum possible calories you have consumed.
10000 yards walking is essential per day (=10Km or more)

Viral Fever

What so ever is going on in treating persons suffering with viral infections is mockery in the name of humanity and medicine. Only people who have right knowledge about the nature of virus and disease it produces escapes from the grip of some unintelligent Doctors. Today we have very few antiviral drugs as compared to antibiotics which are proliferating every day. These so called antiviral drugs have drastic side effects like cytotoxic activity. Bacteria mostly habitat in intercellular space and are very susceptible to micro doses of antimicrobial poisons so called antibiotics, But on the contrary Virus habitat in intracellular space (in Side the cell wall) and cell protects the virus of its best. Thus only those antimicrobial poisons can kill the virus which can kill the cell itself infected with virus. Thus these antiviral drugs are cytotoxic.
Thus we can not rely upon antiviral medicines; instead we have to rely upon innate power, our own immune system to combat the killer viruses.
Also there is nothing to do with antibiotics in the treatment of viral diseases; use of antibiotics makes the viral disease worse and prolonged. Most of the viral diseases are self limiting by there own or with the appearance of secondary bacterial infection. In most cases of viral disease secondary infection with bacteria leads to get rid of viral infection. Thus when a person suffering with viral disease is treated with antibiotics it only disturbs microbial ecology and helps in making strongholds for virus in suffering person. In well organized higher life as in human beings, there is some innate power to fight against viruses. In the infinitely long past, from repeated invasion by microbes, life force of human beings had learned enough to combat with pathogenic micro-organisms.
Fever (rise in body temp) is the only faithful means to kick pathogenic viruses from human body. Fever helps the sufferer in following ways:-
(i) Cry for help:- signal the existence of virus in living being
(ii) Retards the multiplication of viruses
(iii) Acts as Blood Brain Barrier and thus protects the most vital organ from viral damage
(iv) Kills the viruses: - viruses being less organized living entities (as compared to highly organized human beings) are prone to be killed at slightly higher temperature.
(v) Activates immune system against infecting virus
(vi) Hastens the repair process of the tissue destruction done by virus
It is crucial that lots of tissue destruction take place during high fever but most important is the damage done by virus when allowed to proliferate copiously by suppressing fever with antipyretics.
Fever pain inflammation are not our enemies per see, they should not be combated but co-operated instead in order to fight virus the common enemy. One should endeavor of its best to help the ailing life force by increasing body temperature in case of low grade (mild to moderate) fever in order to compel the virus to quit the living being.

23 May 2006

Modus Operandii of Homeopathic Medicines in case of Pyrexial Diseases

07 May 2006

Causes of Disease

Whenever something happens you generally are more alarmed about singular noticeable cause behind that phenomenon. But in most of the phenomenon more than one cause operates either sequentially or simultaneously. Only the keen observers with vast experience happen to be successful in detecting the multiple causes behind various phenomenons. For example in case of simple common cold, exposure to microbes seems to be the only cause to make you sick. But as you know a large number of living being are exposed to microbes at a time and only a few becomes ill. If exposure to microbes only would have been the sole cause then total population exposed to microbes should have been suffered from simple common cold like illness (viral rhinitis). This means the living beings who suffered were also prone to be effected from that exposure to microbes. This tendency of prone to be effected to microbes is also an unhealthy state of living being. Hence there must be some cause other than exposure to microbes behind this state of prone to be effected. Certainly there is another cause behind this proneness and weak defense system of the living being is one of the answers. Now there must be many causes behind this state of immunodeficiency. Several of the living beings are genetically lacking in there immunity against certain microbes but others acquire it either from un-natural life style or from suppressive immune-compromising Allopathic medicine.

Thus we can consider the various causes of sickness in following headings:

Fundamental Causes (Genetic predisposition)
Iatrogenic Causes (Un-natural Immune-suppressive Allopathic Treatment)
Precipitating Causes (Thermal, Telluric, Electric and Radio Injury)
Exciting Causes (Microbes and Pollutants etc.)
Maintaining Causes (Other Factors)
Primary Causes (Genetic predisposition)
Secondary Causes (Un-natural Immune-suppressive Allopathic Treatment; Thermal, Telluric, Electric and Radio Injury)
Occasional Causes (Microbes, Pollutants etc. and Other Factors)

THERMAL INJURY: • Injury due to extremes of temperature: - Human beings are barely affected from exposure to constant high and low atmospheric temperature up to certain extremes (up to 40 °C on higher side and up to 10 °C on lower sides) and beyond these extremes thermal injuries such as frost bite, heat stroke and sunburn etc. ensue. Diseases thus caused simulate Acute Diseases. • Injury due to variation of temperature: - Temperature variation of >20°C within 24 Hrs of time space leads to immunological injuries to life force of genetically predisposed living beings in two ways: -
(i) Suppressing immune system helps microbes to access living beings.
(ii) Augmenting sensitivity of the living beings leads to allergic responses to substances in the surroundings of the living being which otherwise are not disease producing forces.

04 May 2006

What Are the Advantages of Homeopathy?

Homeopathy offers several advantages:

Asthma is Curable in Homoeopathy - Needs no more Proof

Homoeopathy is synonymous to Hyposensitization or Desensitization. In Asthma, Patient is suffering with individual over sensitivity and what we need is desensitization or Hyposensitization to get rid of symptoms and disease as a whole. For Hyposensitization Homoeopathic medicine should have minimal quantity of similar drug substance and the medicine should not be deprived of the basic crude drug substance.
It does not mean that Homoeopathic medicines in higher dilutions do not work in Asthma cases. Constitutional Homoeopathic medicine in higher potencies improves or modifies the susceptibility of Sick, Means it reduces the tendencies of a living being to be over effected by certain things which can hardly make any impression in other healthy living being.
For the development of Asthma and other sickness there must be more than one cause such as genetic tendencies, thermal telluric chemical biological injuries, environmental pollution, faulty unnatural living habits etc. Each of above factors needs special attention in Asthma and other diseases to attain total cure or maximum amelioration of symptoms.

03 May 2006

Basic Principles of Homeopathy

Like cures like OR Let Likes be treated by Likes: Substances that produce symptoms when given in large doses can clear up those symptoms curing disease when the substances are given in micro-doses.
Symptoms indicate healing: Symptoms represent the body’s effort to heal itself as described earlier. Therefore, symptoms are stimulated to complete the curative process.
Homeopathic remedies are based on "provings": Medicinal substances are given to healthy people in small doses to assess how the substances influence their physiology. These “provings” continue until the healing potential of the substance is revealed.
The totality of the symptoms is considered: Your complete symptom profile is taken into account, including mental, emotional, and physical aspects.
A single remedy is given: One homeopathic medicine is chosen most of the times to perfectly match the totality of your symptoms.
A minimum of doses is given: Only a small stimulus is needed to stimulate your innate healing powers.
The homeopathic remedies are micro-doses: Homeopathic medicines are processed (“potentised”) to minute dosages in which there may be no remaining physical trace of the original substance.

02 May 2006

What Is Homeopathy? and More

Homeopathy is a curative practice in which homeopathic medicines arouse and support your individual innate restorative forces of healing. It is one of the most extensively used systems of internal medicine in the globe.The diversity between Homeopathy and Conventional Medicine:-The concept of homeopathic medication was developed nearly 200 years ago by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. Homeopathy is derived from the Greek words meaning "similar suffering". Like Hippocrates 2,000 years earlier, he realized that there were two ways of therapeutic medication: the method of contrary (allopathic) and the method of similar (homeopathic).Conventional medicine is "allopathic" medicine. Consider Fever as an example. The allopathic or conventional approach is to give an antipyretic drug. The hypothalamic temperature regulatory set point is reset downward by antipyretics. Vasodilatation and sweating dissipate heat through radiation and conduction from the skin, to induce artificial normal body temperature, which frequently may help microbes (disease force) to multiply freely and to access more vital organs of the living being like Brain, Heart, Lungs, Kidney, Liver and pancreas etc.Do you know Allopathic antipyretic anti-inflammatory medicines have nothing to do with Microbes (the cause of sickness) and it only gives you relief at the cost of your Immunity.In contrast, the homeopathic approach is to treat a case of Fever disease by giving you (Sick Folk) a tiny dose of a substance that, in large doses, would cause symptoms most similar to that of fever disease of you (Sick Folk) in a healthy person. Surprisingly, the tiny dose cures the Cause of Fever and even increases your Immunity for future defence from microbes. (Click here for more details of modus operandi of homoeopathic medicine in curing pyrexial diseases)

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