02 May 2006

What Is Homeopathy? and More

Homeopathy is a curative practice in which homeopathic medicines arouse and support your individual innate restorative forces of healing. It is one of the most extensively used systems of internal medicine in the globe.The diversity between Homeopathy and Conventional Medicine:-The concept of homeopathic medication was developed nearly 200 years ago by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. Homeopathy is derived from the Greek words meaning "similar suffering". Like Hippocrates 2,000 years earlier, he realized that there were two ways of therapeutic medication: the method of contrary (allopathic) and the method of similar (homeopathic).Conventional medicine is "allopathic" medicine. Consider Fever as an example. The allopathic or conventional approach is to give an antipyretic drug. The hypothalamic temperature regulatory set point is reset downward by antipyretics. Vasodilatation and sweating dissipate heat through radiation and conduction from the skin, to induce artificial normal body temperature, which frequently may help microbes (disease force) to multiply freely and to access more vital organs of the living being like Brain, Heart, Lungs, Kidney, Liver and pancreas etc.Do you know Allopathic antipyretic anti-inflammatory medicines have nothing to do with Microbes (the cause of sickness) and it only gives you relief at the cost of your Immunity.In contrast, the homeopathic approach is to treat a case of Fever disease by giving you (Sick Folk) a tiny dose of a substance that, in large doses, would cause symptoms most similar to that of fever disease of you (Sick Folk) in a healthy person. Surprisingly, the tiny dose cures the Cause of Fever and even increases your Immunity for future defence from microbes. (Click here for more details of modus operandi of homoeopathic medicine in curing pyrexial diseases)

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